Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/334

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  • Rand, 70, C. Du.
  • Rands, 134, a narrow stripe; ründ, selvage of a web. See ründ
  • Randy, 85, 137, a scold; Gael, ranntaich, a songster, from rann, a quatrain, stave. See rune
  • Rannel-trees, 181-3, and Cu. rannlebauk, on which the crook hangs. Perhaps Ic. rann, a house, and tjalgr, a prong, fork: rand end and A.S. thil joist; Randle-tree, Scott
  • Rannie, 122. Reiny, rennie, the shrew (Shet.)
  • Rantin kirn, 107, boisterously convivial harvest-home. See kirn
  • †Raus, 12, 202, Go. a reed. Roer, C. Du. a gun (now obs.), Ger. Rohr. "Not conn. with E. rush."— Sk.
  • Ream, 68, 132, cream; Du. room, A.S. réam, O.N. rjome, Ger. Rahm. Not conn. with cream
  • Reamed, 68, 132, 156, creamed; reamin, frothing over
  • Reekt, 105, reached; Go. rikan, †raikjan, A.S. raecan, reach. Klüge—"Go. here not cog. with Ger. reichen." Or. sense "to attain to." Sc. a rake of coals, &c., is a journey with horse and cart to the coal-hill
  • Reconise, 83, recognise
  • Red, rede, to explain, unfold, n. counsel

"To a red man, rede thy rede,
With a brown man break thy bread,
At a pale man draw thy knife,
From a black man keep thy wife."

(J. B. F.)

  • Rede, 52, 198, counsel, read a riddle; Go. rathjô, a number, ga-rathjan, to count; borrowed from Lat. ratio, but Kl. says "or. conn. with ratio is unthinkable"
  • Reduplication, 35, 36
  • Reed, 65, sheep or cattle reed, coal-ree, a permanent pen; prob. ident. with Pictish rath, a camp
  • Reek, 25, 171, 208, 256, smoke; Go. rikwis, darkness, Du. rook, Ger. Rauch; or. sense "what dims, mist"
  • Reên baatjes, 207, C. Du. rain-coats
  • Reenge, rinse, 13, Go. hrains, O.N. hreinsa, to cleanse, Du. rein, Ger. rein, pure; the Sc. may be but a var. of range
  • Reese, roose, 68, 106, to praise, Ic. hress, reisa, to excite

"There's nane that reads them far and near,
But reeses Robie."


  • Reeshle, 13, for rustle, from rush, Go. hrishjan
  • Reesht and reet, 171, Cu. for right
  • Reflexive forms, 37
  • Reiki, 255, Go. a kingdom, cf. bishopric, root, to rule
  • Reik-s, 22, 29, Go. rich, powerful, Ger. reich, A.S. rice, Du. rijk, cog. Lat. rex
  • Reim, 202, rim (of the abdomen), the peritoneum, rim-bursin=hernia, Jam., reimpje, C. Du.
  • Reipet, 123, ripe, to search, A.S. hrypan, Ic. hrifa, to grapple, seize, cf. E. rifle
  • Residenter, 92, resident
  • Rest Harrow, 123
  • Revlins, 208, Orc. home-made shoes
  • Rib-wort, 123, 154, 163
  • Rig-end, 13, 129, end of the furrow, cog. rig-gin, ridge
  • Rig-gin, 13, the back, ridge of a house, Ger. Rücken, Du. rug, A.S. hryeg, E. ridge, O.N. hryggr, E. rick, A.S. hreac
  • Rig-welted, 189, Cu. syn. of "awal." See rig, and, for welted, cf. welter
  • "Rig woodie," 107-130, rope of withes crossing back or riggin of a yoked horse
  • Ringle-e'd, 140, wringle-e'd. Jam. "having a great proportion of white in the eye of horses" and collies. Conn. with ring, but cf. wring, deformity, blemish in "Poems of 16th C." The disease glaucoma
  • Rinnin-mink, 148, a slip noose on a halter. See monk and mink
  • Rin the cutter, 137, to fetch whisky in small bottle. Not in Jam.
  • Rise, 127, a branch. A.S. and O.N. hris, Du. rijs, from Go. hrisjan, A.S. hrissan, rustle, Ger. Reis, literally the "swaying one"
  • Risket (Burns), 66, riasg, Gael. and Ir., land covered with sedge or coarse grass, ident. with rush, A.S. ris-ce, Du. and Ger. Rusch