Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/348

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  • Withon, 14, Go. to shake, cf. Ger. Wedel, tail or tip of a fan; akin to Go. waian, to blow, wave, wind
  • Without, 90, for unless
  • Withra, 48, 216, Go. against, withstand, A.S. withre, M.E. wither, resistance, E. withers
  • Witoda-fasteis, 27, Go. scribe, lawyer, witoth, the law, and fastan, to fast
  • Witoda-laisareis, 27, Go. teacher of the law. Go. witoth, a law, from witan, to know, and laisjan, to teach
  • Witters, 154, withers. Not in Jam.
  • Wlappit, 53, wrapt, folded, lapwing, lapper, lappel, lappet, from Go. walwjan, to roll
  • Wleiz-s, 18, Go. countenance, anda-wleizns, and, against, and wlitan, to look, Ger. Antlitz, M.E. anleth, A.S. white, brightness, beauty. Go. wlisjan, to smite in the face
  • Wlispyt, 61, Barb. lisped
  • †Wludja, 17, Go. the countenance, is mistake in text for ludja, a var. of wlits. See wleiz-s
  • Wochen-bett, 205, C. Du. See kraam
  • Wods, 32, Go. wôds, mad, Shak. wood, A.S. wód, Du. woede, Ger. Wuth. Or. sense of divine frenzy is in Woden, Odin, and Lat. vates, a seer
  • Wôk, 11, Go. pret. of wakan, to wake, watch, us-wakjan, to wake from sleep, Ger. wachen
  • Won't can come, 169, Cu. idiom
  • Wopjan, whoop, 30, Go. weep, Eng. whoop. Or. sense of weep was an outcry, lament
  • Words and phrases, 197
  • Words for relationship, 194
  • Wort, 26, 48, E. root. See waurtja
  • Worth, 48, obs. E.; Go. wairthan, A.S. weorthan, Du. worden, Ger. werden, to become
  • Wrack, 145, weeds piled up for burning, sea-weed, E. var. of wreck, Da. vrag, wreck, Ic. raqa, to throw away, raaga, drift weed
  • Wrig, 133, 140, youngest of a litter or brood, Ic. raqa, to throw away as refuse. See wrack
  • Writer, 72, chamber lawyer
  • Wroh-jan, 30, Go. to accuse, from wrohs, an accusation, Ger. rügen, to censure, Ic. †vraegja, A.S. wregan, E. be-wray
  • Wud, 32 mad, furious
  • Wuldor, 52, A.S. glory, praise. Go. wulthus
  • Wulfs, 251, Go.; E. wolf
  • Wup, 33, to bind round with cord, E. whip, Go. weipan, to wreathe, wip-jo, a crown. Root, vi. to bind
  • Wurr, wuz, wiz-na, 51, 73, 74, 91, 168, for were
  • Wurr'm, 80, worm
  • Wyce, wise, 97, 106. See weiss
  • Wyliecoat, 182, Cu.
  • Wyrd, 23, fate. See weird


  • Yaar, 148. In Jam. as "Yaur (red), species of fucus used by children for painting their faces." Attrib. to Newhaven fishermen
  • Yammer, 151, 221, C. Du. jaumer, or. yell, var. whimper

"While the bairns wi' murnin' yammer
Roun' their sabbin mither flew."

Alex. Wilson.

  • Yclept, 84, O.E. p. part, of obs. verb clypian, to call
  • Yea, 48, 56, A.S. geo, E. yea. Go. ja, jai, jah
  • Yeld, 68, 132, a cow with milk dried up, Ic. gelde, giving no milk, Sw. gall, barren, Ger. gelf, said of a cow. Klüge gives the older Ger. form, gi-alt, as if from alt. See geld
  • Yellow-yite, 124, 156, yellow-yorlin, yellow-hammer, yellow yoldrin. "No cross reference to yeldrin, and here, in small type, yellow-yite, the commonest name." (J. B. F.)
  • Yorlin or Yarlin, 156. Prof. Cooper often heard these rhymes—

"Yallow, yallow, yarlin,
Drink a drap o deil's blood
Ilka May mornin'."

  • He adds the note that boys hated this bird, and used to stone it. This was a very widely diffused bit of folk-lore, a survival of the early legend that Judas Iscariot