Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/195

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Natures Distinct *ftg

eth his great love to his creatures, in an endless train of unmerited favors, which should call forth their love and praise in return.

God had a right, if he chose, to make us merely the crea- tures of a brief space of time, even if we had never sinned. Thus he has made some of his lower creatures. He might have permitted us to enjoy his blessings for a season, and then, without injustice, might have blotted us all out of exist- ence. In fact, even so brief an existence would be a favor. It is only of his favor that we have an existence at all. How much greater favor is the redemption of the existence once forfeited by sin I And further, it is of God's favor that we are men and not beasts 5 it is purely of God's favor that angels are by nature a little higher than men ; and it is also of God's favor that the Lord Jesus and his bride become partak- ers of the divine nature. It becomes all his intelligent crea- tures, therefore, to receive with gratitude whatever God be- stows. Any other spirit justly merits condemnation, and, if indulged, will end in abasement and destruction. A man has no right to aspire to be an angel, never having been invited to that position ; nor has an angel any right to aspire to the divine nature, that never having been offered to him.

It was the aspiration of Satan's pride which brought his abasement, and will end in his destruction. (Isa. 14 : 14.) " Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased 5 and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted " (Luke 14: u), but not necessarily to the highest position.

Partly from false ideas of justice, and partly from other causes, the subject of eleftion as taught in the Scriptures has been the occasion of much dispute and misunderstand* ing. That the Scriptures teach election few would deny, bu* .ya just what principle the election or selection is based is jt matter of considerable difference of opinion, otn claim- ing that it is an arbitrary, unconditional election, and others

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