Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/249

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they all, to be everlastingly acceptable to him, must be con* formed to the image of his Son. All who will be of this building must partake of the spirit of obedience to God, and of love toward him and all his creatures (so amply illustrated in Jesus), the fulfilment of the law Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart, mind, soul and strength, and thy neigh- bor as thyself.

In the process (as God's Word outlines this gathering to- gether in one of all things, both heavenly and earthly, under one head), Christ Jesus, the head, was first selected ; sec- ondly, the Church, which is his body. Angels and other spirit classes will rank next ; then the worthies of Israel and the world. Beginning with the highest, the ordering shall proceed until all who will shall have been brought into harmony and oneness.

One peculiarity is that this tried, chief, corner top-stone is laid first tnd called a foundation stone. Thus is illus- trated the fact that the foundation of all hope toward God and righteousness is laid, not on the earth, but in the heavens. And those built under it and united to this heavenly foun- dation are held to it by heavenly attractions and laws. And though this order is the very opposite of an earthly building, how appropriate that the stone in whose likeness the entire structure is to be found should be laid first. And how appropriate also to find that our foundation is laid upward, not downward; and that we, as living stones, are "built up into him in all things." Thus the work will progress during the Millennial age, until every creature, of every nature, in heaven and in earth, will be praising and serving God in conformity with the lines of perfect obedi- ence. The universe will then be clean ; for in that day " It shall come to pass that the soul that will not hear that Prophet shall be cut off from among the people " in the second death. Afts 3 : 22, 23.

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