Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/257

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Kingdoms of this World. 25*

summarily deposed. Had he a real title as prince of this world, he would not thus be dealt with.

Thus it will be seen that the dominion of earth, as at present exercised, has both an invisible and a visible phase. The former is the spiritual, the latter the human phase the visible earthly kingdoms measurably under the control of a spiritual prince, Satan. It was because Satan possessed such control that he could offer to make our Lord the supreme visible sovereign of the earth under his direction. (Matt. 4 : 9.) When the Times of the Gentiles expire, both phases of the present dominion will terminate : Satan will be bound and the kingdoms of this world will be overthrown.

The fallen, blinded, groaning creation has for centuries plodded along its weary way, defeated at every step, even its best endeavors proving fruitless, yet ever hoping that the golden age dreamed of by its philosophers was at hand. It knows not that a still greater deliverance than that for which it hopes and groans is to come through the de- spised Nazarene and his followers, who as the Sons of God will shortly be manifested in kingdom power for its de- liverance. Rom. S: 22, 19.

In order that his children should not be ID darkness relative to his permission of present evil governments and concerning his ultimate design to bring in a better govern- ment when these kingdoms, under his overruling provi- dence, shall have served the purpose for which they were permitted, God has given us, through his prophets, several grand panoramic views of the "kingdoms of this world," each time showing, for our encouragement, their overthrow by the establishment of his own righteous and everlasting kingdom under the Messiah, the Prince of Peace.

That man's present effort to exercise dominion is not in successful defiance of Jehovah's will and power, but by bis permission, is shown by God's message to Nebuchad-

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