Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/295

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Christ- necessitates their exaltation *o the divine nature , no other than divine power could accomplish it. Theirs

  • b a work pertaining not only to this world, but to all things

in heaven and in earth among spiritual as well as among human beings. Matt. 28^18^ Col, sssoj Epb, xsio,, Phil. 21 10) i Cor, 6s 3,

The work of the earthly phase of the Kingdom of God will be confined to this world and to humanity, And those so highly honored as to have a share jn it will be the most text, and copied into the body of the text by some subsequent transcribes who failed to distinguish between the texs: ana tfie comment

However, the repudiation oft this clause is not Essential to the "Plan** as herein set forth j ioi the test of the dead- the world at large will not live again in the full sense, in the perfect sense that Adam &Vj?be fore he sinned and came lander the sentence ^ dying thou shalt die.'* Perfect life without weakness or dying is the jnly sense in which God recognizes the word life. From his standpoint alK the world has al ready lost liie is <3ying v and might now be more properly described as dead than as alive. 2 Cor. 5 s 14 j Matt, 8: 22.

The word resurrection (Greek, anasfasis) signifies raising up* As re- lated to man, It signifies raising up man to that condition from which he fell, tc full perfection of manhood the thing lost through Adam, The perfection from which our race fell is the perfection to which they will gradually rise* during the Millennial age of restitution or resurrec- tion (raising up) The Millennial age is not snly the age of trial, but also the- age oi blessing, and through resurrection ox restitution to life all that was tost is to be restored to all who, when they know and have (Opportunity, gladly obey r The process of resurrection will be a gradual one, requiring the entire age foi its full accomplishment* though the mere awakening to a measure of life and consciousness; as at present en- joyed, will erf course be a momentary work Consequently it will not be until the thousand years are finished that the race will have fully attained the complete measure of life lost in Adam,' And since any- thing short <o* perfect life is a condfraon of partia* death, it follows that although the above words re no part ot the inspired record, it would oe strictly true to say that the *est cA the tteaa will not live again <wih nx* regain the fulness ot iitte tost) smtil die thousand years oi restitutioi.

  • ud blessing are complete,,


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