Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/346

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j42 The Plan of tte Ages-

The troubles of this "Day of Jehovah " will give oppor- tunity for preaching the good tidings of coming good, such as is seldom afforded, and blessed are they who will follow the footsteps of the Master, and be the good Samaritans binding up the wounds and pouring in the oil and wine of comfort and cheer. The assurance given such is that their labor is not in vain \ for when the judgments of the Lord axe in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Isa* 26; 9.

The sympathy of the Lord's children, like that of their heavenly Father, must be largely in harmony with the groan- ing creation, striving for any deliverance from bondage \ although they should, like him, remember and sympathize with those of the opposing classes whose desires are to be just and generous, but whose efforts are beset and hindered, not only by the weaknesses of their fallen nature, but also by their surroundings in life, and their association with and dependence upon others. But the Lord's children should have no sympathy with the arrogant, insatiate desires and endeavors of any class. Their utterances should be calm and moderate, and always for peace where principle is not at stake. They should remember that this is the Lord's battle, and that so far as politics or social questions are con- cerned, they have no real solution other than that predicted in the Word of God. The duty of the consecrated, there- fore, is first of all to see that they are not in the way of Jehovah's chariot, and then to "stand still and see the sal- vation of God," in the sense of realizing that it is no part of their work to share in the struggle, but that it is the Lord's doing, through other agencies. Regardless of all such things, they should press along the line of their own mission, proclaiming the heavenly kingdom at hand as the only remedy for all classes, and their only hope.

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