Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/353

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after and with sandlified common sense, must have arrested the attention of the conscientious reader already, and filled him with awe, as well as with hope and confidence. It is marvelous indeed, yet just what we should expedl of the TRUTH, and of God's infinitely wise and beneficent plan.

And while the Bible is thus opening up from this stand- point, and disclosing wondrous things (Psa. 119: 18), the light of the present day upon the various creeds and tradi> tions of men is affedling them in an opposite manner. They are being recognized even by their worshipers as im* perfedl and deformed, and hence they are being measurably ignored ; and though still subscribed to, they are seldom elaborated, for very shame. And the shame attaching to these human creeds and traditions is spreading to the Bible, which is supposed to uphold these deformities of thought as of divine origin. Hence the freedom with which the various advanced thinkers, so-called, are beginning to deny various parts of the Bible not congenial to their views. How striking, then, the providence of God, which at this very time opens before his children this truly glorious and harmonious plan a plan that rejeds not one, but harmo- nizes every part and item of his Word. Truth, when due, becomes meat for the household of faith, that they may grow thereby. (Matt. 24: 45.) Whoever comes in contact with truth, realizing its character, has thereby a responsi- bility with reference to it. It must be either received and a&ed upon, or rejedled and despised. To ignore it does not release from responsibility. If we accept it ourselves, we have a responsibility TOWARD IT also, because it is for ALL the household of faith; and each one receiving it becomes its debtor, and, if a faithful steward, must dispense it to the other members of the family of God. Let your light shine ! If it again becomes darkness, how great will be the darkness. Lift up the light 1 Lift up a standard for the people !

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