Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/51

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A Dimne Mwefatum* &

The Decalogue is a brief synopsis of the whole law. Those Ten Commandments enjoin a code of worship and morals that must strike every student as remarkable ; and if never before known, and now found among the ruins and relics of Greece, or Rome, or Babylon (nations which have risen and fallen again, long since those laws were given), they would be regarded as marvelous if not supernatural. But familiarity with them and their claims has begotten measurable indifference, so that their real greatness is un- noticed except by the few. True, those commandments do not teach of Christ ; but they were given, not to Christians, but to Hebrews ; not to teach faith in a ransom, but to convince men of their sinful state, and need of a ransom. And the substance of those commandments was grandly epitomized by the illustrious founder of Christianity, in the words: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength;" and "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' 1 Mark 12 : 30, 31.

The government instituted by Moses differed from all others, ancient and modern, in that it claimed to be that of the Creator himself, and the people were held account- able to him ; their laws and institutions, civil and religious, claimed to emanate from God, and, as we shall presently see, were in pcrfe& harmony with what reason teaches us to be God's charader. The Tabernacle, in the centre of the camp, had in its "Most Holy" apartment a manifestation of Jehovah's presence as their King, whence by supernatu- ral means they received instru<Stion for the proper adminis- tration of their aifairs as a nation. An order of priests was established, which had complete charge of the Tabernacle, And through them alone access and communion with Jeho- vah was permitted. The first thought of some in this con- would perhaps be: " AhJ there we have the objed

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