Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/64

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S 8 The Plan of the Ages.

iniquity of us all." (Isa. 53 : 3-6.) They told where this deliverer would be bora (Micah 5 : 2), and when he should die, assuring us that it would be " not for himself, 1 ' (Dan. 9 : 26.) They mention various peculiarities concerning him " violence, " or any just cause of death (Isa. 53 : 8, 9, 11); that he would be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver (Zcch. 11:12); that he would be numbered among transgressors in his death (Isa. 53 : 12) ; that not a bone of him should be broken (Psa, 34: 20; John 19: 36) ; and that though he should die and be buried, his flesh would not corrupt, neither would he remain in the grave. Psa. 16 : 10 ; Afts a : 31.

The New Testament writers clearly and forcibly, yet simply, record the fulfilment of all these predi<3ions in Je- sus of Nazareth, and by logical reasonings show that such a ransom price as he gave was needful, as already prcdi&ed in the Law and the Prophets, before the sins of the world could be blotted out. (Isa, i : 18.) They trace the entire plan in a most logical and forcible manner, appealing neither to the prejudices nor to the passions of their hearers, but to their enlightened reason alone, furnishing some of the most remarkably close and cogent reasoning to be found anywhere on any subjed. See Rom. 5 \ 17-19, and onward to the 1 2th chapter.

Moses, in the Law, pointed not alone to a sacriJVv, but also to a blotting out of sins and a blessing of the people under this great deliverer, whose power and authority he declares shall vastly exceed his own, though it tthould be " like unto " it. (Deut i# : 15, 19.) The promised deliv- erer is to bless not only Israel, but through Luracl "all the families of the earth." (Gen. ra : 3 ; 18: 18; 22: 18; 36: 4.) And notwithstanding the prejudices of the Jewinh people to the contrary, the prophets continue the same strain, de- daring that Messiah shall he alito 4 * for a light to lighten the

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