Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/74

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68 The Phw of the Ages,

difference between tt e present and the future dispensations. It is because he will be the prince or ruler of the world to come, that in it righteousness and truth will prosper; while, because Satan is the prince (ruler) of the present evil world, evil prospers and the wicked flourish. It is be- cause, as Jesus said, the prince of this world f< hath noth- ing in me " and consequently no interest in his followers except to oppose, tcinpt, annoy and buffet them (John 14: 30; 2 Cor. 12 : 7) that in this present evil world or epoch, whosoever will live godly shall suffer persecution, while the wicked flourish like a green bay tree. 2 Tim. 3:12; Psa. 37:35.

Jesas said, " My kingdom is not of this world/' and un- til the era or "world to come" does com?* Christ's king- dom will not control the earth. And for this wo are taught to hope and pray, " Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth." Satan is the "ruler of the darkness of this world," and therefore "darkness covers the e;u*thamlf',ross darkness the people." He now rules and works in the hearts of the children of disobedience. Kph. 2 : 2; 0: 12.

There must be some very important part of the gruat Architect's plan for man's salvation not yet fully developed else the now prince and the new dispensation would have Leon long ago introduced. Why it \uts postponed for uu sipponitwl time, and abo the manner of the change from the present dominion of evil tmder Scitan to thai of ritfhl- eouHucstf tinder Christ, arc points of interest which will be more fully shown hereafter. Suffice it now to way, that the kin;t<ltims of this world, now subject to Satan, arc at the projuT tiiiM; to become the* kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. (Kcv. n: 15.) The context shows that the transfer will be Accomplished by a general time of trouble. In reference to it Jesus said, "No man can enter into a JHHISC nnd spoil his ^oodn, except he will

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