Page:Studies in the Scriptures - Series I - The Plan of the Ages (1909).djvu/90

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Let us humble ourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt us in due time (i Peters : 5, 6), as he has exalted our Head and Forerunner. Phil 2 : 8, 9.

This is indeed a wonderful message, and, as we come to the Word of God to inquire concerning our great high calling, we find the prophets all eloquent in proclaiming the grace [favor or blessing] that is come unto us (i 1'etcr i : 10); while types, and parables, and hitherto dark sayings, ixnv become luminous, shedding their light on the "narrow way" in which the anointed [Christ] company is called to run for the prize now disclosed to view. This was truly o mystery never before thought of that God intends to raise up not only a deliverer, but a deliverer composed of many members. Thisisthc "Afe# catling" to which the con- secrated believers of the Gospel age are privileged to attain. Jesus did not attempt to unfold it to the disciples while natural men, but waited until at Pentecost they were anointed begotten to the now nature. From Paul's ex- planation we know that none but "new creatures" can now appreciate or understand this high calling, lie says: "We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery * even the hid- den wisdom [plan] which God ordained before the world unto our glory ; which none of the princes [chief ones] of this world knew ; . . , as it Is written, ' Eye hath not swn, nor car heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him ; ' but God hath revealed them mito us by bis Spirit," i Cor. 2 : 6-14.

In hi.s letter to the Galatians, Paul opens up the entire mystery, and shows how the Abrahams covenant is to be fulfilled. Ho shown thAt the Law given to Israel did not interfere with the original covenant (Gal. 3: 15-18), and that the srccd of Abraham which is to bless all nations ia Christ, (Verse j<5>) Th<m, carrying out the i<ka already

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