Page:Substance of the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords.djvu/71

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£.80,000 sterling. If allowed to add the value of the New West India property, namely, the conquests from the French, Spaniards, and Dutch, amounting to at least £.20,000,000, I may safely assert, that the present British Capital in the West Indies, is equal, upon a fair calculation, to one hundred millions sterling! A sum, my Lords, which demands your most serious consideration, before you consent to the Abolition of a that Trade without which it could not exist. When I say, that, on the proof of this interesting fact I repose the whole strength of my argument, I am confident that your Lordships will pause, and fully weigh the consequences of your vote this evening.—I am confident that, as the hereditary guardians of British subjects, you will stretch out your hands to protect, not to destroy—I am confident that, as hereditary councillors of the crown, you will give life and spirit, instead of dejection and death, to a most numerous and most loyal description of His Majesty's subjects.