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The Bulletin Story Book

THIS is a collection of sixty-two stories, storiettes, and literary sketches reprinted from the best which have appeared in The Bulletin, and reflecting almost every aspect of Australasian life. The authors include several who have gained a considerable reputation, and many others whose work is of high merit. For an Australian, no more interesting book has ever been published.

"Out of this book," writes The Daily Telegraph (Sydney) reviewer, . . . "may be obtained a better understanding of our national life, the conditions under and the manner in which it is lived, than from any we know of. . . . The best stories and sketches yet written of 'the different South' are written here."

A feature of the book is a biographical index of writers, giving memoranda valuable to the student and biographer. In handsome purple cloth, 303 and xxiv. pp.

'Price, 4s. 6d.

On Our Selection By Arthur h. Davis ("Steele Rudd" )

"It is a book of tears and laughter, of disaster and delight, of failure and success. It in amazingly human, and incomparably the liveliest and truest picture of pioneering life in Australia ever penned." THIS is possibly the most popular of all the books that have been made from the pages of The 'Bulletin. The author has been honoured by an affidavit of thanks, signed by a whole township; at far-back Queensland festivities it is the custom to read chapters of his book between the dances; and from many a struggling, cheerful, courageous denizen of the Back Blocks has come the testimony that "On Our Selection" is (adv.) good and (adv.) true. " On Our Selection " is handsomely bound in fawn cloth, with red edges and decorated cover. There are about eighty illustrations by A. J. Fischer, A. H. Fullwood, G. W . Lambert, Fred Leist, Frank Mahony, and Alf Vincent. 'Price, 6s. Hi.