Page:Such Is Life.djvu/317

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the Bulletin T{eciter % COLLECTION of more than eighty recitation-pieces from The Bulletin, including some which are famous over the length and breadth of Australia. Here will be found "The Billiard-Marker's Yarn," "How M'Dougall Topped the Score," Ogilvie's "Off the Grass" and "A Scotch Night," "Gig Fours," Barcroft Boake's " Skeeta," and many pieces which hitherto have been unobtain- able except in the files of The Bulletin. In the Bush, "The Bulletin Reciter" has received the warmest welcome. The book is handsomely bound in fawn cloth, with red edges and decorated cover; and contains a frontispiece by "Hop," and thirteen page- illustrations by A. J. Fischer, "Hop," Fred Leist, Norman Lindsay, Hugh McCrae, and D. H. Souter. Price, 5s. Ittaoriland, and Other Verses By Jlrtbur B. Jldams R. ADAMS'S book of verse was welcomed on its appearance in J 899 as the utterance of " our youngest and sweetest-voiced New Zealand poet" (N. Z. Mail). It contains, indeed, the most characteristic work in verse yet put forward by a Maoriland writer. Mr. Adams's lines are often inspired by strong emotion, and he has a happy gift of phrase and imagery. The book of "Maoriland: and Other Verses" is in format a crown 8vo., bound in white buckram, with gilt top. It contains all the best of the author's verses, together -with a charming drama in one act," The Minstrel." A portrait of the author, from a sketch by G. W. Lambert, is prefixed. Price, 5s. the Ways of Itlany Waters By 6. 3. Brady JN some respects the Sea and the Sailor-Man have never been better pictured in verse than they are pictured in "The Ways of Many Waters." As The Queenslander wrote: "Brady sings in a lay that harmonises with the thud, thud of canvas beating as the ship comes into the wind, with the creak and wheeze of block and tackle, and the rattle of the donkey-engine and winches as the loaded slings swing aboard. He tells of wild, roaring nights, when 'th* old man' is driving his craft through and over." In the domain of Australian verse Brady's sea-songs are unique. A handsome crown 8vo.; bound in buckram, gilt top. Price, 5s. fl m v.