Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/400

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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. CENTENARY SERIES. i. JOHN WICLIF. Patriot and Reformer: his Life and Writings. By RUDOLF BUDDENSIEG, Lie. Theol., Leipsic. Parchment covers, Antique printing o 2 o "Mr. Fisher Unwin has printed in delicious old text, with a frontispiece and vellum binding worthy of an old Elzevir, Mr. Rudolf Buddensieg s brief extracts from Wiclif s writings. . . . These are full of interest, and the little volume will be useful for reference. " Graphic. The matter is equal to the manner, consisting of a summary of the career of the great Reformer, drawn up by an acknowledged master of the subject, and of a judicious selection of characteristic passages from Wiclif s works." S/. James s Gazette. No better summary of the conclusions could perhaps be given than that which Dr. Buddensieg has epitomized. British Quarterly Review. " A charming book got up in the old-style, bound in parch ment and well printed on thick paper, containing a scholarly and appreciative account of^Viclif s life." Nonconformist. " Beautifully printed in the old-fashioned manner, and bound in imitation of vellum, this book is a thing of beauty. The specimens of Wiclif s writings are deeply interesting." -5 word and TnwcL 2. THE TABLE TALK OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER. Fcap. I2mo., Antique Paper, Parch ment boards 2 c This is an entirely new selection and translation by Professor Gibb, from the ever-popular Tischreden oder Colloquia of " The Monk that shook the world," and forms an appropriate souvenir of the 4th Centenary now being held throughout Christendom. " His words are half-battles." Richter. The Table-talk. The most interesting now of all the books proceeding from him. Carlyle. " Deserves the very highest praise. Great discrimination has been shown in the choice of extracts, and considerable skill in the grouping of them under appropriate heads." Congregationalist. 3. DOCTOR JOHNSON: His Life, Works and Table Talk. By Dr. MACAULAY, Editor of The Leisure hour. [Shortly, o 2 This little work will form an interesting souvenir of the great lexicographer, as described in its title. The first part will be a newly-written life by Dr. Macaulay, and the remaining part of the book will be short ex racts illustrative of his writings and conversation.