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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. VERS DE SOCIETE & PARODY, with other Essays. By H. A. PAGE, Author of " De Ouincey," and" Thoreau." Crown 8vo., cloth extra o 2 We have been much interested in this amusing and instructive volume, the first half of which is devoted to "Vers de Societe and Parody." ... If published alone this essay itself would have deserved to have been placed alongside of the famous Rejected Addresses. " Literary World. THE ILLUSTRATED POETRY BOOK for Young Readers. Sm. Crown 8vo., cloth extra 026 Gilt edges 030 " It is the best book of the kind which has passed through our hands for some time." Bookseller. THE WAY TO FORTUNE: A Series of Short Essays, with Illustrative Proverbs and Anec dotes from many sources. Third edition. Small Svo., cloth extra 02 6 "Profusely illustrated with proverbs and anecdotes, which being throughout apt to the injunctions, are likely to act as useful memories, when the text of "The Way to Fortune " is not at hand." The Inquirer. " The author is not only a man with a large outlook upon human affairs, but with a wide and varied knowledge of English literature. Any young man or, for that matter, any young woman who will lay the counsels of this book to heart, cannot fail to find the way to nobility, fruitfulness, and usefulness of life, if not to fortune. We could wish nothing better for this book than to see it in the hands of all who set any value on self-help. "- Literary World. This is not a big book, but it contains no fewer than fifty essays. Each is necessarily brief, and yet there is not one that does not contain a large amount of wisdom, made more ^effective by the help of illustrative proverbs and anecdotes. We gratefully recognise the high-toned manliness and spirituality of the skilful maker of the book. It ought to become a standard, and will make a useful present to a young man all the more that it is certain to be read, so full is it of interest, so amusing and vivacious, as well as instructive and solid." The Freeman.