Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/420

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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. HALF. HOLIDAY HANDBOOKS: Guides to Rambles round London. With Maps, Illustrations, and Bicycle Routes. Crown 8vo., s. d. sewed o 9 Cloth i o I. KINGSTON - ON - THAMES AND DISTRICT. II. ROUND REIGATE. III. DORKING AND DISTRICT. IV. ROUND RICHMOND. V. GEOLOGICAL RAMBLES ROUND LONDON: A Guide to Old-World London. VI. ROUND TUNBRIDGE WELLS. VII. GREENWICH, BLACKHEATH, AND DISTRICT. VIII. FROM CROYDON TO THE NORTH DOWNS. IX. ROUND BROMLEY, KESTON,AND DISTRICT. X. ROUND SYDENHAM & NORWOOD. XL WIMBLEDON, PUTNEY, AND DISTRICT, including BARNES, ROEHAMPTON, MERTON, &c. EPPING FOREST AND DISTRICT. HAMPSTEAD, HIGHGATE, FINCHLEY, AND DISTRICT. GUILDFORD, GODALMING, AND DISTRICT. 7 he last three arc in preparation. "We could not do better than consult one of these cheap 1 1 andbooks . Times. " Those Half-Holiday Handbooks are very useful. But why not Whole Holiday Pocket Books, showing where to go, when to go, and how to go it? If Mr. Fisher Unwin doesn t look sharp, we shall have this series out ourselves about Whitsuntide. " Punch. "Will be a boon to the weary Londoner, anxious to commune with nature." The Inquirer. " Capital guides to walks in the districts." Daily Chronicle. " A pleasant and convenient series of books for the guidance of the pedestrian. 1 Literary World. "An idea with which we and our fellow-naturalists heartily sympathise. The series is one marked by that feeling for nature which it is so desirable to extend." "H. W., in Bayswater Chronicle. " The publishers have hit upon a good idea in their Half- Holiday Handbooks, which are likely to become popular favourites . Graphic.