Page:Sun Tzu on The art of war.djvu/209

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  1. 時者天之燥也日者宿在箕壁翼軫也凡此四宿者風起之日也
  2. 凡火攻必因五火之變而應之
  3. 火發於內則早應之於外

A fire must not be begun “recklessly” or 偶然 “at haphazard.”

4. The proper season is when the weather is very dry; the special days are those when the moon is in the constellations of the Sieve, the Wall, the Wing or the Cross-bar;

These are, respectively, the 7th, 14th, 27th, and 28th of the 二十八宮 Twenty-eight Stellar Mansions, corresponding roughly to Sagittarius, Pegasus, Crater and Corvus. The original text, followed by the T‘u Shu, has in place of 宿; the present reading rests on the authority of the T‘ung Tien and Yü Lan. Tu Mu says: 宿者月之所宿也. For 箕壁, both T‘ung Tien and Yü Lan give the more precise location 戊箕東壁. Mei Yao-ch‘ên tells us that by is meant the tail of the Dragon; by , the eastern part of that constellation; by and , the tail of the Quail.

for these four are all days of rising wind.

此四宿者 is elliptical for 月在此四宿之日. 蕭繹 Hsiao I (afterwards fourth Emperor of the Liang dynasty, A.D. 552–555) is quoted by Tu Yu as saying that the days 丙丁 of spring, 戊已 of summer, 壬癸 of autumn, and 甲乙 of winter bring fierce gales of wind and rain.

5. In attacking with fire, one should be prepared to meet five possible developments:

I take as qualifying , not , and therefore think that Chang Yü is wrong in referring 五火 to the five methods of attack set forth in § 1. What follows has certainly nothing to do with these.

6. (1) When fire breaks out inside the enemy’s camp, respond at once

The Yü Lan incorrectly reads for .

with an attack from without.