Page:Suppliant Maidens (Morshead) 1883.djvu/58

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Herald of Ægyptus.

Swift each unto the ship; repine no more,
Or my hand shall not spare to rend your robe.


O chiefs, O leaders, aid me, or I yield!

Herald of Ægyptus.

Peace! if ye have not ears to hear my words,
Lo, by these tresses must I hale you hence.


O ruin, O despair! Bring aid, O king!

Herald of Ægyptus.

Ay, kings enow ye shall behold anon,
Ægyptus' sons—Ye shall not want for kings.

[Enter the King of Argos.

The King of Argos.

Sirrah, what dost thou? how art overbold
Thus daring to insult Pelasgia's realm?
What, deem'st thou this a woman-hearted town?
Too full thou art of thy barbarian scorn
For us of Grecian blood. Go to; dost dare,
Deluded thus, to work these divers wrongs?

Herald of Ægyptus.

Say thou wherein my deeds transgress my right.