Page:Suppressed Gospels and Epistles.djvu/109

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from all whispering and detraction; and justified by our actions, not our words.

6 For he saith, Doth he that speaketh and heareth many things, and is of a ready tongue, suppose that he is righteous? Blessed is he that is born of a woman, that liveth but a few days: use not therefore much speech.

7 Let our praise be of God, not of ourselves; for God hateth those that commend themselves.

8 Let the witness of our good actions be given to us by others, as it was given to the holy men that went before us.

9 Rashness, and arrogance, and confidence, belong to them who are accursed of God: but equity, and humility, and mildness, to such as are blessed by him.

10 Let us then lay hold of his blessing, and let as consider what are the ways by which we may attain unto it.

11 Let us look back upon those things that have happened from the beginning.

12 For what was our Father Abraham blessed? Was it not because that through faith he wrought righteousness and truth?

13 Isaac being fully persuaded of what he knew was to come, cheerfully yielded himself up for a sacrifice. Jacob with humility departed out of his own country, fleeing from his brother, and went unto Laban and served him; and so the sceptre of the twelve tribes of Israel was given unto him.

14 Now what the greatness of this gift was, will plainly appear, if we shall take the pains distinctly to consider all the parts of it.

15 For, from him came the priests and Levites; who all ministered at the altar of God.

16 From him came our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the flesh.

17 From him came the kings, and princes, and rulers in Judah.

18 Nor were the rest of his tribes in any little glory: God having promised that their seed shall be as the stars of heaven.

19 They were all therefore greatly glorified, not for their own sake, or for their own works, or for the righteousness that they themselves wrought, but through his will.

20 And we also being called by the same will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, neither by our own wisdom, or knowledge, or piety, or the works which we have done in the holiness of our hearts.

21 But by that faith, by which God Almighty has justified all men from the beginning; to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen.


We are justified by faith; yet this must not lessen our care to live a virtuous life, nor our pleasure in it.

WHAT shall we do therefore, brethren? Shall we be slothful in well-doing, and lay aside our charity? God forbid that any such thing should be done by us.

2 But rather let us hasten with all earnestness and readiness of mind, to perfect every good work. For even the Creator and Lord of all things himself rejoices in his own works.

3 By his Almighty power he fixed the heavens, and by his incomprehensible wisdom he adorned them.

4 He also divided the earth from the water, with which it is encompassed: and fixed it as a secure tower, upon the foundation of his own will.

5 He also by his appointment, commanded all the living creatures that are upon it, to exist.

6 So likewise the sea, and all the creatures that are in it; having first created them, he enclosed them therein by his power.