Page:Suppressed Gospels and Epistles.djvu/113

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man, and envy slayeth him that is in error.

10 I have seen the foolish taking root, but lo, their habitation was presently consumed.

11 Their children were far from safety, they perished at the gates of those who were lesser than themselves: and there was no man to help them.

12 For what was prepared for them, the righteous did eat; and they shall not be delivered from evil.

13 Seeing then these things are manifest unto us, it will behove us to take care that looking into the depths of the divine knowledge, we do all things in order, whatsoever our Lord has commanded us to do.

14 And particularly that we perform our offerings and service to God, at their appointed seasons for these he has commanded to be done, not rashly and disorderly, but at certain determinate times and hours.

15 And therefore he has ordained by his supreme will and authority, both where, and by what persons, they are to be performed; that so all things being piously done unto all well-pleasing, they may be acceptable unto him.

16 They therefore who make their offerings at the appointed seasons, are happy and accepted; because through obeying the commandments of the Lord, they are free from sin.

17 And the same care must be had of the persons that minister unto him.

18 For the chief-priest has his proper services; and to the priest their proper place is appointed; and to the Levites appertain their proper ministries; and the layman is confined within the bounds of what is commanded to laymen.

19 Let every one of you therefore, brethren, bless God in his proper station, with a good conscience, and with all gravity, not exceeding the rule of his service that is appointed to him.

20 The daily sacrifices are not offered everywhere; nor the peace- offerings, nor the sacrifices appointed for sins and transgressions; but only at Jerusalem: nor in any place there, but only at the altar before the temple; that which is offered being first diligently examined by the high-priest and the other minister we before mentioned.

21 They therefore who do any thing which is not agreeable to his will, are punished with death.

22 Consider, brethren, that by how much the better knowledge God has vouchsafed unto us, by so much the greater danger are we exposed to.


The orders of Ministers in Christ's Church established by the Apostles, according to Christ's command, 7 after the example of Moses. 16 Therefore they who have been duly placed in the ministry according to their order, cannot without great sin be put out of it.

THE Apostles have preached to us from the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ from God.

2 Christ therefore was sent by God, the Apostles by Christ; so both were orderly sent, according to the will of God.

3 For having received their command, and being thoroughly assured by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and convinced by the word of God, with the fulness of the Holy Spirit, they went abroad, publishing, That the kingdom of God was at hand.

4 And thus preaching through countries and cities, they appointed the first fruits of their conversion to be bishops and ministers over such as should afterwards believe,