Page:Suppressed Gospels and Epistles.djvu/153

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16 And this desire, though to others it does not appear, yet to myself it is for that very reason the more violent. I have, therefore, need of moderation; by which the prince of this world is destroyed.

17 Am I not able to write to you of heavenly things?--But I fear lest I should harm you, who are yet but babes in Christ; (excuse me this care;) and lest perchance being not able to receive them, ye should be choken with them.

18 For even I myself, although I am in bonds, yet am not therefore able to understand heavenly things;

19 As the assembly of angels, and the several companies of them, under their respective princes; things visible and invisible: but in these I am yet a learner.

20 For many things are wanting to us, that we come not short of God.


1 Warns them against heretics, 4 exhorts them to humility and unity, 10 and briefly sets before them the true doctrine concerning Christ.

EXHORT you therefore, or rather not I, but the love of Jesus Christ; that ye use none but christian nourishment; abstaining from pasture which is of another kind, I mean heresy.

2 For they that are heretics, confound together the doctrine of Jesus Christ, with their own poison: whilst they seem worthy of belief:

3 As men give a deadly potion mixed with sweet wine; which he who drinks of, does with the treacherous pleasure sweetly drink in his own death.

4 Wherefore guard yourself against such persons; and that you will do, if you are not puffed up; but continue inseparable from Jesus Christ our God, and from your bishop, and from the commands of the Apostles.

5 He that is within the altar, is pure; but he that is without, namely, does anything without the bishop, the presbyters, and deacons, is not pure in his conscience.

6 Not that I know there is any thing of this nature among you; but I fore-arm you, as being greatly beloved by me, foreseeing the snares of the devil.

7 Wherefore putting on meekness, renew yourselves in faith, which is the flesh of the Lord; and in charity, which is the blood of Jesus Christ.

8 Let no man have any grudge against his neighbour. Give no occasion to the Gentiles; lest by means of a few foolish men, the whole congregation of God be evil spoken of.

9 For woe to that man through whose vanity my name is blasphemed by any.

10 Stop your ears therefore, as often as any one shall speak contrary to Jesus Christ, who was of the race of David; by the Virgin Mary.

11 Who was truly born, and did eat and drink; was truly persecuted under Pontius Pilate; was truly crucified and dead; both those in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, being spectators of it:

12 Who, was also truly raised from the dead by his Father, after the same manner as HE will also raise up us who believe in him by