Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/126

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From the quartered shield, which we have already given a full description of, it would seem that the mother of Hugh was an heiress entited to bear arms, and we cannot but express a feeling of regret that they should be of that simple character which must render any attempt to affiliate her, by their assistance, if not wholly useless, very nearly so. Was she from Cheshire, and a Mainwaring?

The monument of Robert Warham, father of Hugh, is against the wall of the Malsanger aisle of Church Oakley church, and is composed of an altar-slab within an arched recess. On the slab are the brass effigies of a man in a gown, and a woman. Under the man, are the effigies of four sons ; and under the woman, are the indents of two daughters. The inscription is as under:—

"Orate ꝕ. aiabs Roberti Warham, ꝗ obijt pmo die mēe Octobris, Anno Dñi M°CCCCLXXXIJ°, et Elizabeth uxor eiꝰ, que etiā obijt eodē anno Dñi, xv° die Septābris, qui aiabus ꝑꝑiciet Deꝰ. Amen."

The church itself was evidently rebuilt by Archbishop Warham. Above the door of the tower, in the centre, are his arms impaled by the see of Canterbury, having on their left the coat of Hugh Warham, and on their right the indent of a shield, which doubtless bore the arms of Nicholas Warham. On the lintel of the door runs the motto of the prelate, "AVXILIVM MEVM A DÕNO;" whilst in the right spandril is a goat's head couped—the crest, as we suppose, of the said Hugh—and in the left a man's arm, as before described; viz., the crest of the said Nicholas.

With these particulars we conclude, confidently submitting our reasons for thus appropriating the Warham monument in Croydon church to the consideration of the Society.