Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/20

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weapon, by Mr. Greene, of Lichfield, to whom it belonged. Mr. Tayler read this account to the meeting, and pointed out its inaccuracy in attributing the date of the bow to the time of Richard III., since the style of the carving clearly indicated it to be that of at least a century later.]

4. Mr. Hart, of Reigate, read the following description of Antiquities exhibited by him, and which were formerly in the collection of his relative, the late Mr. Glover, of Reigate:—

1. Two Fibulæ found at Waldingham. Engraved in Manning and Bray's "Surrey," vol. ii. page 420.

2. A Spur, found two feet below the surface, near Reigate Castle, in 1804. Engraved in Manning and Bray's "Surrey," vol. ii. page 420.

3. Iron Spear of the time of Henry VI., found near the vicarage, Reigate, in 1808, on making the turnpike road from Croydon.

4. Iron Spear found at Reigate. See Manning and Bray, vol. ii. p. 809; and Grose's "Military Antiquities," vol. ii. p. 258.

5. Brass Spur of the time of Henry VI., curiously engraved and pounced. Found near Reigate.

6. Perforated Stone, supposed to have been used as a missile, by means of a thong passed through it; or like the American sling-shot. Found, it is believed, in Surrey.

7. Broken Bead, of amber-coloured glass, spotted with opaque white, probably of the early British period. Found in Surrey.

8. Massive Bronze Armlet, and two broken-looped Objects of bronze, similar to a pair in the collection of the late Dr. Mantell, found on Hollingbury Hill, near Lewes.

9. Grant, by John Earl of Warren, of land at Brockham. 28 Hen. III. 1244.

10. Grant, by Isabella Countess of Warren. 1150. Engraved in Walker's "Earls of Surrey."

11. Grant, by John Earl of Warren to his cook, of land at Flanchford, in Reigate.

12. Grant, by John Duke of Norfolk, of Flanchford, in Reigate. He died 15 Edw. IV. 1470.

13. Grant, by the Abbot of Hyde, of land in Sanderstead. 6 Hen. III. 1222.

14. Seal of Cardinal Pole to a commission issued by him to Lawrence Hussey, Doctor of Civil Law, who lived at Gatewick, in Surrey 1557.

15. Correspondence with Fleetwood, Cromwell's General, as to the disposition of troops in Surrey; and a Warrant for payment of money, under the hand of Cromwell.