Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/232

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By a fine levied the 25th June, 7 Edw. II., Richard le Longe, of Wormele, and Emma his wife, in consideration of one sparrow-hawk, granted to Thomas Atte Grene, of Bermundeseye, and his heirs for ever, one messuage, eleven acres of land, and two acres of meadow in Hacchesham.

By a fine levied in Easter Term, 11 Edw. II., John de Ritlyng and Cristiana his wife, in consideration of ten silver marks, granted to Roger Husebond, of London, and his heirs for ever, three acres of land in Hachesham.

By a fine levied in Michaelmas Term, 11 Edw. II., William de Derham and Alice his wife granted to William de Pyncebek and his heirs for ever ten acres of land, 18d. rents, and one moiety of a messuage in Hacchesham.

By a fine levied in Trinity Term, 12 Edw. II., Roger de Munketon granted to John de Merkyngfeld, clerk, for his life, four messuages, two tofts, one garden, forty-two acres of land, three acres of meadow, and 11s. 6d. rents, with the appurtenances in Neweton, Waleworth, Suthwerk, and Hachham; and after his decease, then to Laurence de Merkyngfeld and the heirs of his body; and in case of his death without issue, then to Lannallus de Merkyngfeld and the heirs of his body; with remainder to Roaldus de Merkyngfeld and the heirs of his body; remainder to Andrew de Merkyngfeld and the heirs of his body; and with the ultimate remainder to John de Stynetton and his heirs for ever.

These were all inferior tenants under Roger de Bavent. About this time William de Bliburgh, who was keeper of the king's wardrobe, held a small quantity of land in Hatcham Barnes. By an inquisition taken upon his death, 6 Edw. II., it was found that he held of Roger