Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/248

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year, annual value 8d. per acre. He held also of the master of St. Thomas's Hospital, Southwark, six acres of meadow by the service of 2d. a year, annual value 18d. per acre.[1]

Roger Russlep, his nephew and heir, succeeded to these estates, and soon afterwards sold them to Robert Burnel, Bishop of Bath and Wells.

By a fine levied in Trinity Term, 18 Edw. I., Thomas, son of Thomas de Heygham, in consideration of £20 sterling, granted to Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, one messuage, twenty acres of land, ten acres of meadow, and 10s. rent in Retherheth, Camberwell, and Hacchesham. The bishop died at Berwick-on-Tweed on the 25th December, 1292, and by an inquisition taken at Southwark 21 Edw. I. [1293] it was found that he died seized of a capital messuage, garden, and fishpond, at Hacchesham, annual value 5s.; fifty -five acres of land, annual value 55s.; thirty-two acres, annual value 10s. 8d.; twelve acres of meadow, annual value 36s.; four acres of several pasture, annual value 4s.; two acres of marsh, annual value 2s.; rents of assize of free tenants, 7s. 4d. per annum; and a cock and a hen, worth 2d.; annual value of the whole manor £6. 0s.d. This manor paid 7s. 6d. a year to the court of Hacchesham Bavant; and it owed suit to the king's hundred of Brixistan, from three weeks to three weeks, with two of the tenants, and suit of court to Hacchesham Bavant, from three weeks to three weeks; so that the clear annual value of the whole manor was £5. 12s.d. The inquisition states that Robert Burnel bought this manor of Roger Russlep, for his own life, to hold of the said Roger; but it goes on to say, that Philip Burnel was his nephew and heir, so

  1. Inq. post mortem, 20 Edw. I., n° 29.