Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/262

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walls by which the country was likely to be overflowed, she prayed that the said walls should be immediately repaired, and the rent in arrear paid.

Answer, that the petition be referred to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer to inquire and cause the said place to be repaired.—(Rot. Parl., vol. i., p. 36).

The Rosary and the estate of the Dunleghs, at Horselydown were afterwards the property of a family named Olyver, and of Henry Yevele, mason.

29th January, 21 Richard II., Robert Wotton, of the county of Surrey, and Johanna his wife (who was relict of John Olyver of Croydon), Robert Olyver, and William Olyver, clerk, sons of the said John Olyver, demised to Stephen Bartillot, citizen and scrivener of London, one messuage, with two mills and certain gardens and meadow adjoining, as enclosed with ditches, in the parish of St. Olave, Southwark, together with one annual rent of 30s., to be received from a certain croft of pasture called Dunleys-field, lying on the south part of Horsleighdowne, in the parish of St. Olave aforesaid, which said croft, Thomas Felawe lately held of the said Robert Wotton and Joan his wife, for the term of the life of the said Joan; and also the reversion of the said croft, when it should happen, after the decease of the said Joan: and another annual rent of four shillings, to be received for a certain garden lying adjoining to Horsleighdowne on the west and adjoining to tenements formerly of Henry Yevele: to hold the said demised premises to the said Stephen Bartillot his heirs and assigns for the term of one bundred years.

On the death of Stephen Bartillot, he appointed John Sirre, Robert Sharshull, Alexander Bartillot, and William Combys executors of his will; of whom William Combys survived the others, and in 19