Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/288

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in the said Kyngston, beside my husband. Also I bequeth to the high altar of the same church for my tythes or offeryngs not done or negligently forgotton or withdrawn, in discharging of my conscience, 12d. Also I bequeath to the moder church of Winchester 4d. Also I bequeth to the light in our Lady chapell 21b. of wax for a tapier. Also I bequeth to the light of the iii Kyngs of Colyn, within the said church of Kyngston, a lb. of wex for a tapier. Also I bequeth to the light of St. Anne a tapier of a pound of wex. Also I bequeth to the light of our Lady of Pity 2 pounds of wax for to make a tapier. Also I bequeth to the ymage of Seynt Sonday v pound of wax for a tapier, to burne every Sonday in service time as long as it will endure. Also I bequeth to the said church of Kyngston a tuell of playne clothe for the behove of the church. Also I will that there be seede for my soul and all Christian souls, in the chapell of Skaly Celi[1] at Westmynster v masses of the v wounds of our Lord God. Also I bequeth to Jone Northrygge two new silver spoons, two pair of sheets, two dyaper napkins, two platters, 4 dishes, two saucers, my red harvest gurdill, my large brasse pott, and two bell candlesticks. Also I bequeth to Agnes Berell two silver spoons of the new sorte, a pair of shetes, a dyaper napkin, a platter, two pewter dishes, a sawser, a bell candlestick, a feather bed, a new bolster, a pair of blankets, a coverlid, a grete pott with

  1. In the Conventual Church of the Augustine Friars or Eremites at Norwich, the place of the greatest profit was the chapel of our Lady, called Scala Cceli, to which pilgrims were continually resorting, and making their offerings there, on account of the many pardons and indulgences granted by the Pope to that chapel, being the only chapel (except that of the same name at Westminster, and another of our Lady at St. Botolpb's Church, at Boston) which enjoyed equally extensive privileges with the chapel of Scala Cœli at Rome.