Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/290

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our Lady & Seynt Antony in London iiis. iiiid. Also I bequeth to the high awter where as I am buried 3s. 4d. Also I bequeth to my father & to my mother xs. Also I bequeth to my child William all my reyment, and all my other thyngs I comyt unto my wife. In witnes hereof I, the saide John, hath writ this will with my hand. Gevyn the day ut supr' Anno 1514."


The Will of Gyffray Gough, Yeoman of the Guard to King Henry VIII., dated 1th October, 1520.

"In Dei Nomine, Amen. The 7 day of October, in the year of our Lord God 1520, in the 12th yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the VIIIth. I, Gyffray Gough, of St. Mary Magdalene Overy parishe, in Southwerk, in the county of Surry, on of the yeomen of the gards unto our sovereign lord the Kyng, have ordeyned and made this my last will, in this wise & form folowyng. First, I bequeth my soul to Almighty God & to our Blessed Lady Virgene Mary, Quene of Hevyn, and to all the holy seynts and blessed company of Hevyn, and my body to be buried in erth at my pew dore, within our Lady chapell, of my parish church of Mary Magdalene aforesaid. And I bequeth unto the blessed and holy sacrament of the high awter within the same church 4d. Item, I bequeth unto the broderhood of St. Catryne in the same church viiid. Item, I bequeth to the same church, for brikying of the grounde where my body shall ly, vis. viiid. The residue of all my goods and chattels movable and unmovable, dettes, and other my detts for my months wages, be it more or less, remayning in the Kyngs hands, and vis. viiid. in the hands of my felow Roger Whitton, usher of the Kyngs chamber, and vis. viiid owing to me by my felow John A'Morgan,