Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/36

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for examining the temporary Museum than had been possible in the morning. The Collection comprised—

An extensive series of Rubbings of Monumental Brasses, illustrating Mr. Boutell's Paper on the subject.

The Drawings of the Chertsey Tile Pavement, before referred to.

Mr. Shurlock kindly added, on this occasion, a Model, showing the Abbey Walls and the Stone Coffins.

In the absence of Mr. Shurlock, these Discoveries were briefly described by the Rev. C. Boutell.

The Mayor and Corporation of Guildford exhibited the various Charters of the Town; also, their Ancient Maces, Cups, and other Municipal appurtenances.

Mr. J. More Molyneux, F.S.A., exhibited the far-famed Loseley Manuscripts, in ten volumes, Folio, and other curious Documents, amongst which was an Advertisement of "A very rich lotterie generall without any blanckes, emprynted at London, in Pater Noster Rowe, by Henry Bynneman, anno 1567."

Mr. Godwin-Austen exhibited a Collection of Ancient Arms and Armour, old Books and Documents; and a very singular Iron Box, with elaborate and curious Lock.

A Letter from the Czar of Muscovy to Charles II., with Seal attached, dated 1662. By W. J. Evelyn, Esq., M.P.

The following curious Document was exhibited by R. Eager, Esq., and is recorded here as illustrative of the singular superstition to which it refers:—

We whose names are subscribed Parishioners of ye Parish of Bramly in ye County of Surrey do hereby certify all whom it may concern that Richard Field Inhabitant of ye aforesaid Parish hath of late been very much troubled with several swellings about him, and recourse hath been had to Physicians for ye Cure of ye same but he can receive no benefit thereby; and his distemper is judged by Doctors to be ye Evill⋅ and therefore we doe hereby recommend ye said Richard Field as a fitt person to be touched by the Kings Matie
for the same disease: And we do further certify that the
said person was never touched by his Matie
before for the said Distemper: In witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands the Twentieth day of March 1676 and in the Nine and Twentieth year of his

John Reynoldson
Roger Shenford Churchwardens.
Nathaniell Morland

Lady Jervis exhibited two small Miniature Portraits of King Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta; by a remarkable mechanical contrivance the Head-dresses and other Attire of the Royal Pair may be altered.