Page:Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume 1.djvu/45

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Two Pipes, fitting into each other by a socket, for conveying water. Found in Blackfriars.

A Hollow Flue-tile, 15 inches long, with scored pattern on two sides, for conveying heated air from the hypocaust to remote parts of a building.

Two Hollow Bricks, 7 inches long, square at one end, and round at the other, with a hole, used for heating buildings. Found in Duck's-foot Lane and London Wall.

Three Roman Bonding-tiles from Houses in London.

A Monile, or Necklace of 120 beads, used probably as an ornament for the neck of a horse. They are of opalized glass, and pentagonal.

Twelve Black and White Beads.

Fragments of Glass Vessels, Roman and Early English. Found in London.

Eight Bronze Lares, of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Cupids, and other Household Gods.

Fourteen Fibulæ; some of rare form.

Six Specimens of Tesselated Pavements of Red Tesseræ, an inch square, which usually form the border of the finer and more ornamental floors. Found in Huggin Lane and Foster Lane, London.

Six Specimens of Fresco Painting. From Roman buildings discovered in Old Fishstreet Hill, and the site of the Royal Exchange, London.

Eight Bellarmines of different sizes, one having the arms of Amsterdam.

A curious Wooden Jug or Mether, cut out of a solid piece.

Three Earthenware Pitchers.

Three Earthenware Jugs of the 16th Century.

Four fine Horns of the Indian Antelope, and Nine Stag-horns. Found in London.

A quantity of Leaden Cloth-marks, bearing the various devices of Merchants in London.

Five finely Irridescent Bottles of Various Forms. From St. Swithin's Lane, &c.

A small Silver Chain and Cross, enamelled, set with minute diamonds.

Two Bronze Heads from a Vase.

A Small Mask.

A Piece of Stamped Leather, bearing the word AMOR.

Impression in wax of the Seal of Abbot's Hospital, Guildford.

From Mr. George Russell, Master.

Impression in wax of the Seals of the Mayor and Corporation of Guildford.

Presented by F. H. Napper, Esq.

Urn of Grey Pottery, discovered in a bed of gravel several feet from the surface, in excavating for the Chelsea Waterworks, near Kingston.

A Bronze Brooch, circular in form, and bearing the following inscriptions: on one side, AVE MARIA GRACIA (PLENA); and on the other, IESUS NAZARENUS. Probably of 15th Century. Found at the same time and in the same locality as the Urn.

Presented by James Simpson, Jun., Esq.

Fragment of Timber from the Old Church of St. Mary's, Lambeth.

Presented by R. Raynham, Esq.

A Shilling and a Sixpence of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Found near Godalming.

Presented by R. Whitbourn, Jun., Esq.