Page:Survival Under Atomic Attack.djvu/27

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CLOSE FIREPLACE DAMPERS AND SHUT OFF VENTILATING FANS AND AIR CONDITIONERS. Whenever there is widespread neighborhood pollution, it will be impossible to keep your house absolutely free of it. A little is bound to seep in through cracks or else down the chimney. (By all means close the dampers in fireplace flues and shut off air conditioners and ventilating fans not equipped with special filters). Unless you are careful, some radioactivity is likely to be tracked in by people or pets. Keep your cat or dog indoors. And when you come in from outside, leave your shoes at the door, for their soles are likely to be BE CAREFUL NOT TO TRACK RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS INTO THE HOUSE. covered with radioactive dusts. Better still, wear rubbers, galoshes or other disposable foot coverings over your shoes. Take these precautions, but don't worry. There isn't much chance really dangerous amounts will pile up in the house.

Should you help to clean up a contaminated area, you might get some radioactive materials on both your body and clothing. So don't go home and sit around in your work clothes. Take off your outer garments outdoors or in the basement. LAUNDER CONTAMINATED OBJECTS IN SPECIAL BUCKETS OR TUBS. Then wash, if you can, using warm water and plenty of soap. Never fail to launder your working clothes, but don't use the family washing machine. Scrub all contaminated objects in buckets or tubs used for that purpose only.


To prevent harm from accidentally eating or drinking radioactivity, throw out all unpackaged foods that were lying around where dust from