Page:Susan Py, or, Young Bichen's garland (2).pdf/2

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IN London was young Bichen born,
he long’d strange lands to see,
He set his foot on good ship board,
and he sailed over the sea.
He had not been in a foreign land,
a day but only three,
Till he was taken by a savage Moor,
and they used him most cruelly.
In every shoulder they put a pin
to every pin they put a tree,
They made him draw the plough and cart
like horse and oxen in his own country.
He had not serv’d the savage Moor,
a week but only three,
Till he has casten him in prison strong,
till he with hunger was like to die.
It fell out once upon a day,
that young Bichen he made his moan,
As he lay bound in irons strong,
in a dark and deep dungeon,
An’ I were again in fair England,
as many merry day I have been,