Page:Susan Py, or, Young Bichen's garland (2).pdf/5

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And will return to young Bichen,
who is safe arrived in fair England.
He had not been in fair England,
above years scarcely three,
Till he has courted another maid,
and so forgot his Susan Py,
The youth being young and in his prime,
of Susan Py thought not upon,
But his love was laid on another maid,
a d the marriage day it drew on,
But e’er the seven years were run,
Susan Py she thought full long,
She set her foot on good ship-board,
and she has sail’d for fair England,
On every finger she put a ring,
on her mid-finger she put three,
She filled her trunks with good red gold,
and she has sail’d over the sea.
She had not been in fair England
a day, a day, but only three.
Till she heard young Bichen was a bridegroom,
and the morrow was the wedding day.
Since it is so, said young Susan,
that he has prov’d so false to me,
I’ll hie me to young Bichen’s gates,
and see if he minds Susan Py.
She has gone up through London town,

where many a lady she did spy,