Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/128

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Chapter I Causes and symptoms of diseases caused by wind. 2 Hoemorrhoids. 3 Urinary calculi 4 Fistulae. 5 Skin diseases Kushtha), 6 Urethral discharges. 7 Abdominal tumours and dropsy. 8 Abortion and unnatural labours. 9 Abscesses. 10 Erysipelas and Carbuncles. 11 Tumours 12 Scrotal tumours. 13 Fractures (and dislocations) 14 Diseases of the male organ of generation caused by Shuka. 15 Minor .and miscellaneous diseases. 16 Diseases of the mouth.

The great sage has devoted ten chapters to the subject of Anatomy and Physiology (Sharira-Sthanam) for medical men and contemplative saints to learn the component parts of the human body. They are:—

Chapter I Cosmology. 2 Healthy and unhealthy) condition of male and female germs. 3 Development of the foetus. 4 Analytical description of the fetus. 5 Component parts of the body. 6 Investigation of each vital part. 7 Description of the veins. 8 Venesection. 9 Arteries. 10 Pregnancy (child-birth and management of women in child-birth and of children).

The division of Therapeutics, (Chikitsitam) includes (amongst others) the modes of treating diseases by medicines, expiatory ceremonies, propitiatory rites, and tranquillizing efforts. Forty chapters have been devoted to this division. Chapter 1 Treatment of two varieties