Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/141

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treats of surgical acts or operations, we shall discourse on them and their accessories at the outset.

Surgical acts or operations are divided into eight different kinds such as Incising (Chhedya), Excising (Bhedya), Scraping (Lekhya), Puncturing (Vedhya), Searching or probing (Eshya), Extracting (Abarya), Secreting fluids (Visravya) and Suturing (Seevya). A surgeon (Vaidya) called upon to perform any (of the eight preceding kinds) of operations, must first equip himself with such accessories as surgical appliances and instruments, alkali, fire, probe or director (Shalaka), horns, leeches, gourd (Alavu), Jamvavoushtha (a kind of pencil shaped rod made of slate with its top-end cut into the shape of a Jamboline fruit), cotton, lint, thread, leaves, tow (Patta), honey, clarified butter, lard, milk, oil, Tarpanam (powdered wheat soaked in water), decoctions Kashaya , medicated plasters, paste (Kalka), fan, cold water, hot water, and cauldrons, etc., and moreover he shall secure the services of devoted and strong-nerved attendants.

Then under the auspices of blissful astral combinations, etc., and having propitiated the Brahmanas and the physicians, with gifts of curd, sun-dried rice, cordials and gems, etc., and having made offerings to the gods and uttered benediction, etc., the surgeon should commence his work. The patient should be given light food (before the act), and made to sit with