Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/143

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Authoritative verse on the 'subject:—The knife (lancet) should be freely used wherever a fissure, sinus, or a cavity would appear in a boil, so as to ensure a complete flowing out of the pus accumulated in it.

Lateral (tirjak) incisions should be made in regions of the eye-brows, temple, forehead, cheeks, eyelids, lower lip, gums, armpits, loins, belly and the groins.

An incision made in the region of the hand or root should be made to resemble the disc of the moon, while those about the anus and the penis should be made semi-circular (half-moon) in shape.

Authoritative verse on the subject:—An incision in any of the abovesaid regions not made as directed, may give rise to extreme pain, pro-longed granulation (healing) and condylomatous growths in and about the ulcer, owing to an inadvertent cutting of the local veins, or nerves. In a case of artificial or instrumental parturition, in ascites, in piles, in stone in the bladder, in fistula in ano, and in diseases affecting the cavity of the mouth, the patient operated on should be kept on an empty stomach (before the act).

Then sprays of cold water should be dashed over the face and the eyes of the patient to relieve the pain and the sense of exhaustion incidental to the operation. The sides of the incision should be firmly pressed (so as to ensure a good outflow of the accumulated pus) and