Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/183

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involving any contradiction to their generic (saumya) nature, and hence they are included within the list of those substances which are both hot and cooling (Saumya and Ágneya in their virtues. They are pungent in taste, of a heat-making potency, irritant, digestive, corrosive, absorbent, liquefacient, improve unhealthy sores and granulation, and act as styptic and paralysing agents. They exercise destructive action on animal tissues. They are antitoxic, anthelmintic and possess the property of curing mucous accumulations in the intestines. They tend to reduce fat and phlegm and they have the virtue of destroying skin diseases. In large doses, (alkalis) have the effect of destroying the virile potency of a man.

Kshára (caustics may be grouped under two distinct heads according to their mode of administration), such as the Pratisaraniya (for external application) and the Pania (alkaline potions . Alkaline preparations should be externally used in such skin diseases as Kitima, Dadru, Kilas, Mandala, Fistula in ano, tumour, bad ulcer (Dushta Vrana), sinus, Charma-kila, Tilkalaka, Nacchya, Vyanga, Mashaka and external abscesses and hoemorrhoids. In cases of worms and poisoning as well as in the seven forms of diseases which affect the cavity of the mouth, such as Upajihva, Upakusha, Danta-Vaidarbha, and in the three types of Rohini, external applications of alkalis act like substitutive