Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/224

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Now we shall describe the Chapter which treats of development and non-development of the humoral constituents of the body and excrements (Dosha-Dha'tu-Mala-Kshaya-Vriddhi-Vijnaniya-madhya'yam).

Since the human body is constituted of humours, (Doshas), excretions (Mala) and the fundamental principles (Dhatus) of blood, marrow, etc., hear me discourse on the features which are peculiar to each of them.

The Va'yu:—The imparting of motion to the body (Praspandanam), the carrying of the sensations of the respective sense organs (Udvahanam), the passing down of food to its proper receptacles (Puranam), the separation of excretions from the assimilated food matter (Viveka), and the retention and evacuation of urine and semen, etc. (Dharanam) should be ascribed to the functions of the five kinds*[1] of Vayu (nerve force) which support the body.

The Pittam:—Pigmentations or colouring (Ragakrit), the digestion of food and metabolism of tissues (Paktikrit), the vitalisation and nutrition of the protaplasmic cells (Ojakrit), the origination and preser-

  1. * They are called Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana and Apana.