Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/226

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to contribute to the increased formation of blood. The blood, in its turn, increases the healthful glow of the complexion, leads to the increased formation of flesh and muscles and maintains vitality in the organism. The flesh contributes towards the stoutness or rotundity of the limbs and occasions the formation of fatty matter in the system. The fat gives rise to the glossiness (formation of oily or albuminous matter) of the body and primarily contributes towards the firmness and growth of the bones. The bones, in their turn, support the body, and contribute to the formation of marrow. The marrow contributes towards the formation and increase of semen, and fills in the internal cavities of the bones, and forms the chief source of strength, amorous feelings and hilarity. The semen gives rise to valour and courageousness, makes a man amorously disposed towards the female sex, increases his strength and amativeness, is the sole impregnating principle in the male organism, and is possessed of the virtue of being quickly emitted.

The excreta or the fecal matters of a man are indispensably necessary for the preservation of the body. They contain the wind and digestion (being primarily connected with the movements of the bodily Vayu and the feeling of hunger). The urine fills the receptacle of the bladder, and is possessed of the property of washing or draining off the waste or refuse matter of the organism; whereas perspiration tends to moisten the skin.