Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/238

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[Chap. XV.

beauty and pleasing shape, causes the growth of scanty but soft hair on its surface. It strengthens the eyesight and increases the energy of the body, improves its power of digestion and heightens its glow and complexion. Fat is deranged by such acts as, an abuse of astringent, bitter, cold, parchifying or Vistambhi (indigestible food which remains stuffed in the stomach) substances, a voluntary repression of the natural urging for evacutions of the body, by excessive sexual indulgence, and fatiguing physical exercise, or by the draining action of any particular disease.

An instance of dislodgment of fat from its proper seat or locality is attended by such symptoms as roughness of the skin, loss of the natural healthful glow of the body and a breaking or an aching pain in the limbs. Anaemia or a gradual emaciation of the body, impaired digestive function and a slanting or downward course of the deranged humours, mark the case where the bodily fat has undergone a change in its natural properties through any foul contamination. A case of loss or waste of the bodily fat is marked by such Symptoms as, impaired digestive function, dulness of sight, decay of strength and aggravation of the bodily Vayu, and always ends in death.

The medical treatment in the latter case (loss of fat) should consist in the administration of oily or emollient drinks, use of medicated unguents or lubrications, Pradeha (plasters of oleaginous substances) and