Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/240

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[Chap. XV.

any sort of physical exercise, continues in an immature State and is transformed into a serum of sweet taste which moves about within the body, engendering the formation of fat which produces excessive stoutness. A person afflicted with obesity develops such symptoms as shortness of breath, thirst, ravenous appetite, excessive sleepiness, perspiration, fetid odours in the body, wheezing sound in the throat during sleep or sudden suspension of breath, inert feeling in the limbs, dulness or heaviness of the body, and indistinctness of speech. Owing to the softness of fat, a fatty person is unritted for every kind of work. Capacity for sexual intercourse is diminished (in such a one), owing to the obstruction of the passage of semen by phlegm and fatty deposits; and the growth of the rest of the root-principles of the body such as, lymph chyle, albumen, semen, etc., is considerably arrested owing to the deposit of fatty matter within the channels of the internal passages of the body, thus seriously affecting his bodily strength. An obese or excessively corpulent person is likely to be afflicted with any of the following diseases such as, urethral discharges, eruptions, boils, carbuncles, fever, fistula in ano, or with any of the diseases which are caused by a deranged state of the bodily Váyu; and such attacks are invariably found to terminate in death. Any disease in such a person is apt to develop into one of a violent and dangerous type owing to the obstruction of the internal channels with deposits of fat.