Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/274

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and legs), round the face, round the throat, round the lips, round the penis, round the scrotum, round the back, round the belly and the chest. A loose bandaging (Shithila-Vandha) should be the rule in the region of the eyes and locations of important joints or unions.

An ulcer, brought about or characterised by the symptoms of the deranged Pittam and occurring at a place where a tight bandaging is indicated, should be fastened with one of the Sama-Vandha class, and with a Shithila bandage where one of the Sama type would be indicated; whereas it should not be bandaged at all in the event of a loose bandage (Shithila-Vandha) being indicated. The same rule should be observed in the case of an ulcer caused through a diseased or contaminated state of the blood. Similarly, in the case of an ulcer produced through a deranged condition of the Kapham, a loose bandaging, otherwise enjoined to be adopted, should be substituted for one of the same pattern. A tight bandage should give place to a lighter one under the same circumstances, and such a procedure should be deemed as holding good even in the case of an ulcer caused by the action of the deranged Vayu.

In summer and autumn, the bandage of an ulcer, due to the vitiated blood or Pittam, should be changed twice a day; while the one tied round an ulcer of the deranged Váyu or Kapham, should be changed on each