Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/301

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The Pachakagni:—By the ordination of fate or necessity (unfathomable natural cause), the Pittam, located in the region between the stomach (Amashaya) and the intestines (Pakvashaya), helps the (digestion of the four kinds of food such as drink and edibles etc.) partaken of by a living subject, and purges off the residue or impure morbiferous matter in the shape of urine and excreta after the completion of the process. Even thus located, it keeps up the temperature in its other distant locations (skin, etc.) in virtue of its native heat-giving attribute. Hence this Pittam is called the Pachakagni (digestive fire or heat) in an animated organism.

The Ranjakagni:—The function of the Pittam, which has its seats in the liver and the spleen, consists in imparting its characteristic pigment (Ragakrit) to the lymph-chyle and is hence known as Ranjakagni (lit:—dyeing fire or pigment bile.)

The Sadhakagni:—The Pittam seated in the heart is denominated as the Sadhakagni (performing or operating heat or fire) inasmuch as its action is to bring about the fruition or realisation of one's desires.

The Alochakagni:—The Pittam, which is located in the pupils of the eyes, is called the Alochakagni (the Pittam or fire of sight) as its office is to