Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/307

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Chap. XXI.]

Metrical Texts:—In addition to all these, the Pittam is spontaneously and abnormally aggravated in summer, in autumn, at noon, at mid-night and during the process of digestion, as well as by the partaking of hot or warm substances.

Symptoms of the deranged Kapham:—The deranged Kapham is aggravated by sleep in the day time, or by the following of lazy or sedentary habits. The partaking of food, composed of substances which are heavy, slimy, sweet, acid or saline in their taste, or of one consisting of substances which increase the mucous secretions from the fissures of the body, may be likewise set down as aggravating factors. The use of food grains, which are called the Hayanaka, the Yavaka, the Naishadha, the Itcata, the Masha, the Mahamasha, the Godhuma, the Tilam, or of rice cakes may lead to its aggravation. Curd, milk, the Krishara, the Payasha (sweetened rice porridge), the various preparations of cane-sugar are things which produce the same result. The flesh of beasts and birds that are aquatic in their habits or live in swampy lands, as well as lard, have the same effect, if used as food. The use of bulbs and lotus stems or of Kasheruka, Shringataka, Madhura-phala, Valliphala as well as eating before digestion or the partaking of food consisting of both wholesome and unwholesome substances may aggravate this bodily humour.