Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/311

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deranged and aggravated Pittam, or Kapham, changing their respective places with. each other, should be medicinally treated as the humour in whose location it is found. The Vayu, thus aggravated and expanded, tends to deviate from its right passage and gives rise to a swelling or distention of the abdomen, accompanied by a rumbling sound in the intestines. The Pittam, under the similar condition, gives rise to heat, and a sort of sucking, burning pain in the affected part, together with a sensation of radiation or evaporation of heat from its surface. The Kapham, under the circumstance, would usher in a complete aversion to food, inertness of the limbs, Vomiting and impaired digestion. The preceding symptoms, caused by the aggravation and expansion of the bodily humours, should be the third occasion for medical treatment

Sthana-Samshrayam:—Now we shall enumerate the names of the peculiar diseases, which are originated by the deranged and expanded humours, incarcerated in the different parts of the body. These humours, confined in the abdomen, give rise to Gulma (abdominal glands) tumours, internal abscesses (Vidradhi), abdominal dropsy, impaired digestion in the bowels, constipation (Anaha), cholera (Visuchika) and dysentery.

Lodged in the bladder, these humours usher in Prameha (morbid urethral discharges), Ashmari (stone in