Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/316

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Now we shall discuss the chapter, which treats of secretions from boils or ulcers of different types. (Vranasrava-Vijnaniaya-madhyayam).

A boil or an ulcer has its seat generally in one of the eight following components or principles of the body such as, the bone, the skin, the flesh, the veins, the ligaments, the joints, the viscera and the Marmas (vital parts of the body). A boil or an ulcer of any type may crop up or appear in any one of the above mentioned localities.

A boil or an ulcer, which is confined only to the skin, readily yields to medical treatment, while the remaining types, as well as those, which spontaneously suppurate and burst, are hard to cure. A boil or an ulcer usually assumes a shape which is either diffused, rectangular, spheroidal or triangular; while those, which are irregular or indefinite in shape, (or have forms other than the preceding ones, should be looked upon as belonging to types which can be cured only with the utmost difficulty. Any Vrana (burst or incised abscess) in a patient, who observes a strict regimen, and who, from the outset, is placed under the medical treatment of an experienced physician (surgeon), will be speedily healed; while an ulcer, affecting a person of