Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/320

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[ Chap. XXII.

a cow, or that of water saturated with the burnt ashes of conch-shells or that of Kashaya water or that of the wine known as the Madhvika or that of oil, according as the skin, flesh, etc. are respectively affected. The action of the deranged blood, in changing the nature of the secretions of ulcers in the seven above-said locations, is identical with that of the deranged Pittam with the exception, that the secretions are characterised by an extremely fishy smell.

In an epidermic (confined only to the epidermis of a part) or superficial ulcer the action of the deranged Kapham manifests itself by imparting a butter-like or a Kasisha (sulphate of iron) colour to the secretions. They have lard-like hue or a colour like that of rice paste, or that of water tinged with sesamum, or a colour like that of the internal juice or water of a cocoanut, or a colour like that of hog's lard, according as the flesh, a vein, a ligament, a bone or a joint is attacked. On the other hand, through the combined action of all the three deranged humours of the body (Sannipata), those secretions become coloured like the water tinged with the soakings of sesamum seeds, or the internal sap or water of a cocoanut, or the juice of the Ervaruka or the transparent surface layer of rice gruel, or the washings of the Aruka fruit, or the water tinged with the fruits of the Priyangu, or like the liver or the Mudga pulse.