Page:Sushruta Samhita Vol 1.djvu/339

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diseases which should be regarded as the outcome of the deranged bodily humours affecting the bones.

Majjadoshaja Diseases:—The vanishing of sight, epilepsy, vertigo, conjunctivitis and the appearance of a broad-based ulcer about the Parvasthanam and a sense of heaviness in the thighs and knee-joints should be regarded as having their seat in the deranged marrow.

Shukra-doshaja:—Diseases such as, impotency, entire aversion to sexual intercourse, Shukráshmari (seminal concretions). Spermatorrhoea, and other seminal affections, should be regarded as having their seat in the deranged semen.

Cutaneous affections, constipation or looseness of the bowels, and diseases impeding or arresting the proper functions of the sense-organs or in any way bringing about their aberrations, should be regarded as respectively located in the receptacle of the faeces and the sense organs.

Thus we have briefly enumerated the names of diseases, the specific nature and symptoms of which will be fully discussed later on under their respective heads.

Authoritative verse on the Subject:—The deranged and aggravated humours, freely coursing through the body, give rise to a disease at the